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Curiosity got the cat killed!!!

Hey everyone! So, I was entitled with the burden of having to create my website. You know with the whole final year project and what not. The main motive behind this however, was curiosity.


  • A singer was reported for bad behaviour and within an hour the internet was flooded. Some were attacking, others supportive.

  • I wanted to estimate the end result. To check whether the artist’s company would protect or discard their artist. The company, quite often, responds to its audience, which means they have an insight into their audience’s brain. They will act according to their profits.


- An insight into how many countries actively searched about cryptocurrencies from April 2019 to may 2021.

Funny how we have grown from door-to-door marketing to an era where social media has the power to accept or reject a product, a service or an initiative. This in turn led me to think about how some stocks are doing well and the others are not. BLOCKCHAIN. CRYTPOCURRENCY. BITCOIN. ETHEREUM. EVERYTHING. I was waiting to read the brains of our million billion trillion users online.

Twitter, being one of the leading social networks worldwide and a popular marketing channel, having a wide user base of around 290.5 million monthly active users was the perfect site for data scraping. The case study was done to evaluate whether people are favouring Bitcoin or Ethereum, also, to evaluate the normal likeliness of people accepting cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology as a disruptive force using R programming language. Twitter API was used to collect the primary data. Tweets were analysed by using Emotion-based approach which refines them into eight more categories.


"Privacy is best guaranteed by anonymity." - Prof. Jim Waldo, Harvard University

About 1000 tweets were extracted with R using the hashtags "#BITCOIN", "#ETHEREUM" AND "#CRYPTOCURRENCY". I referred many articles on the net to access codes. But, stuck mainly with twitteR library.

NOTE: This requires authentication of twitter and R. Need to create a developer's account.

That's it for now. I will talk about my findings in the next article!!!

Tchus! Auf wiedersehen!


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